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Nice game lol, I like the creativity you made in this game, the art style is nice and I like how you added some sound to get the game well together.

Great work on the interface! Very silly little experience :)

Ugh, I actually wanted to learn how to make pate. Whatever, it's fine I guess. Wasn't excited or anything. Gosh. Hmph. So be it. Something funny I noticed was how the CMN notes talk about managing the press and misbehaviors, and then the review involved the misbehavior of pizza place employees.... who were managing you (the customer) (or should I say, the press?) (the press of Yelp or whatever). Misbehavior also applies to the Spotify ad guy dialogue (which was very fun to read btw). 

The art design really fit the topic, love there are also flashing line for texting, just like a real computer.

Loved the computer black-and-green interface, very old-timey-esque. I also love the password coding, and having to type in the right password, that was good. Really enjoyed reading through the fun facts and I had a little chuckle at the "duck pate" section.

The creativity and humor in this is top-notch. I especially liked the small details like the smaller update text in the Review section or the stretched keyboard image at the bottom of the screen.